Successful attacks: A successful attack consists of a successful hit (regular or from sustained), successful wound (lethal hit or regular), and a failed save.
Raw damage inflicted. A sum of the damage inflicted by each successful attack, minus FNP effects if any.
Number of models killed. Extra damage lost here.
For each figure of merit, three alternative representations are shown (using inflicted damage as an example):
Histogram: Probability of the <inflicted damage> being exactly this.
Cumulative density: Probability of the <inflicted damage> being at most this.
Survivorship: Probability of the <inflicted damage> being at least this.
Four reroll options are available for most throws: No rerolls, reroll all failed, reroll each roll of 1, and one re-roll per model and throw type. Ironstorm-type one-re-roll-per-model scheme
is not supported.
Successful hit or wound rolls are never rerolled, so crit fishing is not supported yet.
For damage re-rolls, the user can also specify the reroll strategy, i.e. the dice threshold below which the roll should be rerolled.
* Added wounds and kill counts
* Damage rerolls now implemented
* Plots, variable number of attacks
* Responsive layout
* Style. Reset puttons.
* Damage modifiers and melta.
* Fixed lethal hits and devastating wounds being counted as extra hits/wounds